Friday, March 25, 2011

Let The Music Keep Our Spirits High

Ever since the massive disaster hit the nation on the 11th of March, so many things have come in and out of my mind that I haven't been able to post anything at all.
However, I will just attach the link to YouTube video of this song that Jackson Browne recorded in 1974, and its lyrics (excerpted) with my translation. It doesn't need any comments.
でも、1974年にJackson Browneが書いたこの曲の(YouTubeへの)リンク、歌詞と訳詞を入れます。説明の必要はないでしょう。

(from the album Late For The Sky)

Some of them were angry
At the way the earth was abused
By the men who learned how to forge her beauty into power
And they struggled to protect her from them
Only to be confused
By the magnitude of her fury in the final hour

And when the sand was gone and the time arrived
In the naked dawn only a few survived
And in attempts to understand a thing so simple and so huge
Believed that they were meant to live after the deluge

Let the music keep our spirits high
Let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal it's secrets by and by, by and by
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky


Monday, March 7, 2011

Almost 90 Years Old, But She Keeps Going

On Sunday, 13th March, Ms. Hatsume Sato, who has dedicated herself for more than 50 years to helping hundreds of people, is invited to have a lecture.
She has welcomed people who suffered from social burden or mental illness to her house called "Ischia in the Forest" which is located in the foothill of Mt. Iwaki, Aomori prefecture. There she simply listens to them while serving her genuine dishes and was brought into the spotlight when she and her compassionately prepared Omusubi (rice balls) were featured in the movie, "Gaia Symphony No. 2 (1995)" directed by Jin Tatsumura.
This is going to be a precious opportunity to listen to the 89-years-old quiet activist who has discouraged many from killing themselves.
▶presented by Obihiro Inochi-no-Kai (Life Society)
▶on Sunday, 13 March, 2011 from 1:30 p.m. -
(the venue opens at 1:00 p.m.)
▶at 2F, Tokachi-kan
(2, W7 S6, Obihiro/phone: 0155-24-1040)
▶1,000 yen tickets available at Kachimai Salon, 7F and Ticket Pia, 5F, Fujimaru Department Store
▶childcare service (booking required)
▶information (Japanese): 0155-21-5759

▶とき:3/13(日)13:30〜(13:00 開場)
▶ところ:とかち館 2F 金枝の間(帯広市西7条南6丁目2番地 0155-24-1040)
▶チケット:1,000円(藤丸デパート 7F 勝毎サロン/5F チケットぴあ)
▶お問い合わせ:0155-21-5759 (tel. & fax)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Pianist, Wolves & Bach

Could J. S. Bach possibly predict that one of the indisputable pinnacles of his works, Chaconne in D-minor (from Violin Partita No. 2 BWV 1004/arranged by F. Busoni) would be represented this way with this instrument which wasn't even appreciated in his age?
In my recent favorite album, Hélène Grimaud lets Bach's music capture my soul easily, or it might be Bach's piece that drives her to do so?
You may find the answer in an interview with her as a pianist and also as the co-founder of Wolf Conservation Center, Upstate N. Y.
J. S. Bachは予想できたろうか?疑うことなき傑作の一つ「シャコンヌ」(ニ短調/バイオリン・パルティータ第2番 BWV 1004/ブゾーニ編曲)が、彼の時代には評価されなかった楽器によってこんな感じで再現されることを。
(CD: Hélène Grimaud | Bach ©2008 Deutsche Grammophone GmbH B001254-02)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pervert Bear?

A funny sticker. I used to wonder why the half-naked bear was wearing a T-shirt but no pants. You can still find it on each door of Toyoko-line trains, and probably other lines in Tokyo and around.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sunny Side of Music

This is a reminder for those who enjoy classic, yet nostalgic kind of rock or R & B stuff from 60's and 70's LIVE! My brand new acoustic group called Sunny-Side Up is going to perform at Rancho El Paso on this coming Saturday (19 Feb.) evening. No good music, no life.
Saturday, 19th February
at Rancho El Paso from 7:00 p.m.
"Rancho El Paso's 35th Anniversary LIVE Music"(the venue opens at 5:00 p.m.)
For advance tickets (¥500@) and priority seat reservations, call (toll-free) 0120-33-8683. One order of drink is included in a ticket.
60's - 70's あたりのロック、R & Bのカバーを中心をライブで楽しみたいって方々はお忘れなきよう。新しいアコースティックグループSunny-Side Upが来る土曜日(2/19)の晩、ランチョ・エルパソで演奏します。No good music, no life!
『ランチョ・エルパソ35周年記念ライブ』ところ:ランチョ・エルパソ 帯広市西16条南6丁目13-20日時:2/19(土) 開場 5:00 開演 7:00チケット:500円 ワンドリンク付き/1階優先席での観覧ご予約:0120-33-8683

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Big Yellow Bulldozer

I got a postcard from my friend today, which reminded me to visit Oahu again, and it also made me think about that well-known Joni Mitchell's song.

However, the reason why I am posting it is that in my country some people think it is a slap-happy kind of song from the way it sounds. So I have attached my translation. For the original lyrics, go to Joni Mitchell's web page.

I have also found on the web that it was recommended by someone as a suitable "happy" song to sing at a wedding party. What a ...!

今日届いた友人からのハガキに、オアフへのうれしいお誘いがあり。そこでJoni Mitchellのあの定番ソングも思い出した。

でも、どうやら日本では多くの人たちに能天気に明るい曲だと思われているようだから、改めて自分の訳を入れてみた。(訳責:ken 原曲の詞はこちらで)



Big Yellow Taxi
(Joni Mitchell / original lyrics © Siquomb Publishing Company)













I wrote 'Big Yellow Taxi' on my first trip to Hawaii. I took a taxi to the hotel and when I woke up the next morning, I threw back the curtains and saw these beautiful green mountains in the distance. Then, I looked down and there was a parking lot as far as the eye could see, and it broke my heart... this blight on paradise. That's when I sat down and wrote the song.(Joni Mitchell)*
(ジョニ・ミッチェル自身のコメント)「"Big Yellow Taxi"は、初めてハワイに旅行した時に書いた曲よ。ホテルにタクシーで乗り付けて、翌朝目を覚ました時にカーテンを開けて外を見たら、遠くに美しい緑の山々が見えたわ。そして近くに目をやると、そこいら中に見渡す限り駐車場が並んでいたの。こんなのひどいなって思った...こんな美しい楽園を台無しにしている。そこで座り込んでこの曲を書いたのよ。」(translation: ken)

Had she opened the curtain upon arriving, it might have looked like this picture of mine. Well, it has become not only about parking lot in 35 years, but also...

*(from Wikipedia) Hilburn, Robert (1996-12-07). "Joni Mitchell looks at both sides now: her hits -- and misses". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2008-05-16.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More about Sunny-Side Up's Gigs

Here is further information on our gigs to be held in February:

1. Saturday, 12th February at Laugh-la from 5:00 p.m.
at "Usato Clothing Displays and Sales/Planetta Organica"
The show includes storytelling time by Motti (vocalist).
(the venue opens at 11:00 a.m.)
door charge (including tea): ¥1,000@ (from 5:00 p.m.)
4 W1 S28 Obihiro
(for more info, go to Otokachi)

2. Saturday, 19th February at Rancho El Paso from 7:00 p.m.
"Rancho El Paso's 35th Anniversary LIVE Music"
(the venue opens at 5:00 p.m.)
For advance tickets (¥500@) and priority seat reservations, call (toll-free 0120-33-8683)
One order of drink can be made for free for one ticket.
13-20 W16 S16 Obihiro

1. 「うさとの服」「プラネッタオーガニカ」
日時:2/12(土)開場 11:00 開演17:00〜

2. 『ランチョ・エルパソ35周年記念ライブ』
日時:2/19(土) 開場 5:00 開演 7:00
チケット:500円 ワンドリンク付き/1階優先席での観覧

Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunny-Side Up's Gigs

Sunny-Side Up, a brand new group of local musicians who love classic rock, R & B and pop music is going to make some appearances to play acoustic stuff at the following venues:
1. Saturday, 12th February (corrected) at Laugh-la from 5:00 p.m.
(for more info, go to Otokachi)
2. Saturday, 19th February at Rancho El Paso (probably from 7:00 p.m.)
(more info. to be announced later in this blog)
The artists include (photo from left to right) : Chiba-Chiba (guitars, vo., perc.), Motti (vo.), ken (piano, vo.), Yohei (guitars, vo.).
Well, how come it's Sunny-Side Up?
一昔前のR & B、ロックやポップミュージックを愛する?地元ミュージシャンが集まった新ユニットでアコースティック・ライブをやりま〜す。
1) (訂正▶)2/12(土)開演17:00 ラフラ
2) 2/19(土)開演たぶん19:00 ランチョ・エルパソ

Loungeful of Audience

Daichi & ken had a pretty good "mini" concert in the lounge of Obihiro Museum of Art, in the "rallentando" darkening blue after dusk embracing the venue. I couldn't even help but staring up at the sky through the windows behind us sometimes while I was playing.
Although I couldn't advertise this event very well, much more people than expected, probably more than 140!, showed up to see us in spite of the congested parking lot and icy road up to the museum.
I would like to thank all of them and those who supported us for this concert.
帯広美術館のラウンジでゆっくりと暮れて行く青い光に包まれながら、Daichi & kenでちょっとしたミニコンサートができた。演奏中にもステージ後ろの窓から外の空へ何度も目をやってしまった。
(photo by TN)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Eye to Eye with the Whale: Bryant Austin

Here is a photo exhibition I missed. I didn't even know about this photographer when it was held in Tokyo in December. However, because of my own experience of encountering (and communicating with) wild dolphins in the U. S. about 15 years ago, I really understand "emotionally" what made him shoot such photographs of wild whales in the water. Please check this out:

Monday, January 10, 2011