Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunny-Side Up's Gigs

Sunny-Side Up, a brand new group of local musicians who love classic rock, R & B and pop music is going to make some appearances to play acoustic stuff at the following venues:
1. Saturday, 12th February (corrected) at Laugh-la from 5:00 p.m.
(for more info, go to Otokachi)
2. Saturday, 19th February at Rancho El Paso (probably from 7:00 p.m.)
(more info. to be announced later in this blog)
The artists include (photo from left to right) : Chiba-Chiba (guitars, vo., perc.), Motti (vo.), ken (piano, vo.), Yohei (guitars, vo.).
Well, how come it's Sunny-Side Up?
一昔前のR & B、ロックやポップミュージックを愛する?地元ミュージシャンが集まった新ユニットでアコースティック・ライブをやりま〜す。
1) (訂正▶)2/12(土)開演17:00 ラフラ
2) 2/19(土)開演たぶん19:00 ランチョ・エルパソ

Loungeful of Audience

Daichi & ken had a pretty good "mini" concert in the lounge of Obihiro Museum of Art, in the "rallentando" darkening blue after dusk embracing the venue. I couldn't even help but staring up at the sky through the windows behind us sometimes while I was playing.
Although I couldn't advertise this event very well, much more people than expected, probably more than 140!, showed up to see us in spite of the congested parking lot and icy road up to the museum.
I would like to thank all of them and those who supported us for this concert.
帯広美術館のラウンジでゆっくりと暮れて行く青い光に包まれながら、Daichi & kenでちょっとしたミニコンサートができた。演奏中にもステージ後ろの窓から外の空へ何度も目をやってしまった。
(photo by TN)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Eye to Eye with the Whale: Bryant Austin

Here is a photo exhibition I missed. I didn't even know about this photographer when it was held in Tokyo in December. However, because of my own experience of encountering (and communicating with) wild dolphins in the U. S. about 15 years ago, I really understand "emotionally" what made him shoot such photographs of wild whales in the water. Please check this out:

Monday, January 10, 2011