Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Live Performance at Art Museum

Daichi Yoshino and I have been invited by Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art to perform in its entrance hall on Saturday, the 29th of January. This is going to be our first appearance at the local museum which is located on a hill of grand Obihiro Green Park.
We are going to be performing from 4:30 p.m., when twilight blue probably begins to prevail the wooded patio which you can see through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows in the background of our stage. Please look forward to seeing how we fill the quiet venue with our music. No charge for our concert (free!).
To download this photo flier, click here.
To download detailed fliers from the museum (Japanese), click here.
Coincidentally, there is an impressive exhibition of landscape pictures "Soaked in Landscape. Play with Nature." in cooperation with the Museum of Art in Hakodate, which is Daichi's hometown, also my second hometown. I hope you will enjoy it as well. For details check out the museum's website.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Here Comes The Sunshine

I realized the bright sunshine coming in through the windows just when we started playing "Here Comes The Sun," and it was exactly the party coordinator had predicted during our rehearsal.
This is a scene from the party to celebrate my friends' wedding at Rancho El Paso. I believe the newly wed couple has had a great heartwarming time with the flowers, food, costumes, live music, hula dancing, etc., thanks to the sun... NOPE! to all the nice friends (more than 80 people!) who gathered to congratulate them.
"Here Comes The Sunshine" を演奏している時に、温かい日差しが窓から差し込んで来たのに気がついた。パーティの幹事がリハーサル中に予想した通り。

Great Moments of Inspiration

On a nice and warm Sunday in October, I was invited by my band mate, Claude (Thaddius) to play in his acoustic set with (photo from left to right) Katz a.k.a Fucchie (perc.), Toshi (bass), Chip (perc.) at his base station, Marumigaoka-Onsen.
As always, Claude just named some songs we could probably play together right before the show. I am sure, although we had not rehearsed together, we were able to weave out pretty nice and groovy music. Yes, even with the artists I've met for the first time (Chip and Toshi this time right on the stage), we can always build something great as long as we keep inspiring one another. This is what I believe live music is about!
Cheers, Claude, it's always fun to join you (and for getting the piano tuned).
10月の温かい日曜日、バンド仲間のClaude (Thaddius) に呼ばれて、Katz(フッチー・perc.)、Toshi (bass)、Chip (perc.)と一緒に、彼のホームステージ丸美が丘温泉でアコースティクライブに参加。
(photo by M-Jane)

Let It Snow Again

This is the snowcapped top tube of my bike, worn and battered, but still as reliable as an old friend. We see much more snow here even before Christmas this year. It's time to go mushing!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Backdating Updates

I am now updating my blog backdating with a lot of topics I have missed to upload in the past half year. I was just too busy....well, no excuse.
I can't even believe that I haven't purchase an iPhone 4 in spite I have been a power user (classic expression!) of Apple Mac for 24 years. It would hopefully help me update my blog more easily.
iPhone 4もまだ買っていない。もう24年もApple Macのパワーユーザー(ちょっと昔の言い方?)なのにもかかわらず...。まあ、(手に入れると)ブログももっと簡単にアップできるようになるんだろうな。

What a Great Time a Cup of Coffee Can Make!

This could be one of the most rich coffee I have ever experienced. I am not a coffee connoisseur or taster, nor do I drink it everyday either, but I could immediately feel that this presents very deep taste and lush and diverse aroma.
I brewed it at home one warm afternoon of October and it could be a perfect match with any relaxing music you name. I would choose this.
I had a kind of noteworthy chance to meet, Mrs. Unnamalai Thiagarajan, the owner of a fully-organic, Biodynamic coffee estate in India, at the local airport. She came to Tokyo to attend a specialty coffee convention and she took this opportunity to visit Biodynamic Farming practitioners and farms in Hokkaido, and we were going to guide her. But unfortunately, she had to turn back on the airplane she flew to here since she had to go back to India ASAP due to unexpected urgency. That was the coffee she left with us.
From her very, very concise presentation (in front of the departure gate!) of her farm in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, we could see that it was carefully grown with no chemicals in the mountainous region blessed with abundant biodiversity, good water and soil. See more details of Balmaadi Estate.
If you are interested in trying the coffee from my brief impression by any chance, check out for further distributor information (in Japan)
Well, I hope to see her again wherever it may be.
地元の空港で、インドで有機農法(バイオダイナミック)の農園を経営するUnnamalai Thiagarajan女史にお会いする機会があった。実は東京でのスペシャルティコーヒーイベントに出席するために来日、ついでに北海道のバイオダイナミック農家を訪ねたいとこの地にいらっしゃったのでご案内する予定だった。しかしながら、急用でインドに帰ることになり、着いたその脚で同じ飛行機に乗って帰られる事に...。上記は彼女のおみやげのコーヒー。
(なんと出発ゲート前で!)タミールナドゥ州ニルギリにある農園についての超短いプレゼン。山中の現地の、とても豊かな生物多様性と、上質な水と土壌に支えられ、化学肥料や農薬を一切使っていない事をとりあえず了解。詳しくはこちら(Balmaadi Estate)。

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Beaujolais Nouveau 2010

We had another music show at Rancho El Paso's "Beaujolais Nouveau Dinner Special" on Thursday, November 19th.
I was joined by Yohei (guitars/center) as usual and also by the superb guitarist, Yoichi Watanabe (right) and the natural-high vocalist, Ai Tanaka (not shown) both from Minimokudo, as a full acoustic set.
It was a great opportunity to make Minimokudo's debut at the venue showing off the great original songs by Yoichi sung by Ai, whom I joined with Choppa (bassist) in their groovy gig on October 30th at Mega Stone.
Besides, wouldn't it be nice to perform under those ham and sausage and between those cactuses? They are all real ones!
To those who came to the show, thank you all for joining us and I hope you enjoyed the fill variety of music we played.
(photo by T. Noda)

Heat Wave from Africa

I was involved in a live music show by an African music group on the 20th of October at Hokkaido Yell Center as a sound engineer. (I was asked the day before! My Goodness!) It was unexpectedly small but I really had a big time though.
The group was led by Chiaki Hayakawa (vocal) and Masaya Onishi (vo., gt. & perc.) and joined by Norihiko Yamakita (perc.) and Hiromi Kondo (perc.) (photo: from left to right), and (some of them) were on tour all over Japan calling for people's support for the education and independent lives of African children and their monetary fund, "Maisha ya Raha ("happy life" in Swahili)" they built for such purposes. For further information on their endeavor, please check their website.
Their passionate and energetic performance as well as the beautiful slideshow they presented were so impressive that I hoped much more people had known this event earlier. Probably because of the lack of organized advertisement efforts, there wasn't a big turnout of audiences this time unfortunately, but definitely not next time though.
パフォーマーは早川千晶さん(vo.)、大西匡哉(まさや)さん(vo., gt. & perc.)、そして山北のりひこさん(perc.) そして近藤ひろみさん(perc.)の4人。そのうち何人かで日本中をツアーして、アフリカの子供達の教育と自立のための支援を求めて回っている。詳しい活動内容はこちら。

Friday, December 3, 2010

VietJapBraz 2010 Meet

In September, three gangster clan bosses from Brazil, Vietnam and Japan (in the order of the photos) had their annual secret gathering in downtown Obihiro.
You know it's cool to hang around by bus these days, not in those outrageously huge black limos anymore. Yes, we even go green too.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nashville, Just Across the River

Great! Finally I have got Jimmy Webb's latest CD "JUST ACROSS THE RIVER," which was produced by Fred Mollin, the same producer as "Ten Easy Pieces (96)," and recorded in Nashville (!) with his live band and whole bunch of prominent artists featured in its tracks.
For example, Billy Joel sings "Wichita Lineman" just as if it had been written by him, while Jackson Browne covers "P. F. Sloan" perfectly with the composer. Needless to say Linda Ronstadt and Glen Campbell prove that they are really meant to sing his songs. And more...
Out of quite a few great American songwriters, "Tunesmith" Jimmy Webb has always been very special for me.
How could I forget the great low-keyed light in his eyes when he really grabbed my hand when I met him in Tokyo after his solo gig? (photo: JUST ACROSS THE RIVER and "Suspending Disblief (93)" CD sleeve autographed by Mr. Webb)
最高! Jimmy Webbの新譜"JUST ACROSS THE RIVER"(セルフカバーアルバム)をやっと入手。プロデューサーは96年の"Ten Easy Pieces"のFred Mollin、そして自分の生バンドを従えて、超豪華なゲストアーチストたちを迎えてナッシュビル録音!
例えば、Billy Joelが"Wichita Lineman"をまるで自分の曲のように歌い、Jackson Browneが"P. F. Sloan"を作曲者と一緒に完璧なカバー。もちろん、Linda RonstadtやGlen Campbellも彼の曲を歌うためにいるようなもの。そのほかたくさん。
並みいるアメリカの偉大なソングライターたちの中でも、私にとって"Tunesmith"のJimmy Webbは特別だ。
以前彼のライブのあとに東京で会った時、がっちり私の手を握ってくれた彼の目の中のしぶーい光を未だに忘れない。(写真:"JUST ACROSS THE RIVER"とスリーブにサインしてもらった"Suspending Disbelief (93)")

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Busking in Downtown

To promote Ben & Konomi's Summer Solstice Eco Festival 2010 for the Organic Movement, 13 artists who are appearing in the festival showed up in downtown Obihiro last Sunday. It was a beautiful sunny day, but if it had not been a sports day for school kids in the area, we could have seen more people walking around though. It was totally not like Shibuya or Yokohama.
I would like to say thanks to all the dedicated musicians who joined together to enjoy performing outdoors.
Participated are: Trevor (vocal, guitar & mandolin), Hiroshi (vocal & guitar), Choppa (ukulele), Charles (accordion), Maud (vocal & accordion), Ai (vocal), Yoichi (guitar), Ako (percussion), Yuma (vocal & flute), Toshimitsu (percussion), Keiichiro (guitar), Maa-kun (percussion) & Shinya (special appearance).
We are going to have a fabulous music festival!
(musicians photo by TH)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nice Ride through Forest

Yeah, Monday was a perfect day for riding through "Obihiro's Forest." The bikers & walkers' path is also a perfect shortcut without traffic lights or any other obstructions up to almost halfway to the destination. It normally takes about 15 minutes by car, but it takes me exactly the same by bicycle, then why go by car?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Food Not Being Eaten?

Do you know that in Japan more than 5-million tons of harvested or processed food is disposed of every year? This is the reality in the country of "Mottainai" culture.
I have seen on TV about Second Harvest Japan, and it has also given me a lot of hints about what an NPO can do for the society.
Food is made not so much for financial profit as for humanitarian benefit of all people, I hope.
テレビで「セカンドハーベスト ジャパン」が紹介されているのを見て、NPOというものが社会のためにできることも考えさせられた。

Monday, May 24, 2010

As Free As The Wind Again

Once again, I went biking in Naitai Highland Farm which I introduced in my previous post.
This time I was shot all day by NHK TV crew with a reporter, who for the first time climbed the grand and hilly farmland by bicycle, but she really made it. Quite a girl! I testify it isn't a staged show.
We were expecting the weather to be fine, but the foothill of the Daisetsu Mountain National Park was covered with pretty dense fog (photo).
Let's see what the report will be broadcast like:
(both on NHK-G)
Ohayo Hokkaido/Burari Mite Aruki on Saturday, 29 May from 7:30 a.m. (hokkaido-local)
Yudoki Network/Retto Tsutsu-Uraura on Thursday, 10 June from 4:50 p.m. (nationwide)
5月29日 7:30 a.m. おはよう北海道・ぶらりみてある記(北海道地方)
6月10日 4:50 p.m. ゆうどきネットワーク 列島津々浦々(全国)

Monday, May 17, 2010

As Free As The Wind

On Saturday, I biked with my friend up to and down from the top of the biggest dairy farm in Japan, where we still saw snow patches all around.
This is a part of the video footage he captured then, of course, on the way down!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Live Music at a Temple in Kushiro

Sunday, the 9th of May may be a memorable day of a kind for my musical career. Daichi and I are going to have a gig at a (Buddhist) temple for the first time.
I heard some young monks of the temple called Myoken-Ji in Kushiro enthusiastically coordinate a pretty good live music show every year in order to offer more opportunities for neighbors and citizens to feel more familiar to the public asset.
Although it will be a show in normally solemn atmosphere, we will be very happy to share a nice and relaxing time with everyone.
No admission charge! The venue opens at 4:00 p.m. and some dishes are going to be served, the show begins at 5:30. Please check this flier for details. *Info: 0154-55-4444 Myoken-Ji (Temple)
なんと入場無料! 開場は4:00 p.m.、お食事(有料)も出るそうな。開演は5:30 p.m.。詳しくはこのフライヤーをどうぞ。お問い合わせは0154-55-4444の妙堅寺さんまで。

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Bikers Paradise" Map #1 To Be Issued!

Ever since I came back to Tokachi, I have been hoping to see more people, locals and tourists, enjoy biking in this area. Although we have pretty long and severe winter here, Tokachi's modestly rolling hills and vast plains surrounded by the amazingly beautiful mountain ridges and horizons stretching in the distance could always be the good reason why I would call it "Bikers Paradise."
Recently I have produced a nice guide map for tourists and local cyclists for the first time on behalf of NPO Slow Wave Sunku Village, a local volunteer group acting for sustainable society and lifestyle.
This map contains quite a lot of items including 3 maps from the one covering downtown Obihiro to the entire Tokachi region, 10 model courses and safety information, etc. If you are interested, please download the high-res preview data (about 10MB) in A3 size (297 x 420 mm), which is separated into 4 pages. (password: bikers)
(Sorry, English-Japanese edition will be available from the next issue on hopefully.)
I hope you will find biking in Tokachi amusing!
最近、NPOスローウェーブすんく村(持続可能な社会とライフスタイルのために活動するグループ)を代表して、旅行者にも地元の人たちにも見ていただきたいガイドマップを作りました。帯広中心部から十勝全域の3つのマップと、10のモデルコース、安全情報などをてんこ盛り。ご興味の方は、実寸A3サイズのプレビューデータ(10MB・4ページに分割)を用意しましたので、こちらからダウンロード(パスワード: bikers)の上、ご覧くださいな。

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Year Of The Tiger

A Happy New Year Of The Tiger!

Last year was my year (Ox) and I opened my door to my further voyage. Thanks to Archangel Gabriel, my future paths are getting clearer hopefully.
My new year's resolution: "Sail on." I wonder what the next water will be like.
(photo: ©2007 ken)

Our Best Concert 2009

23 December

I felt as if I had played for only 5 minutes even after having performed 5 or 6 songs... just like our music and time had been absorbed into the atmosphere in the venue.

Thanks to all the support of the event staff and the uncompromising conditioning by the sound crew and piano tuner, we were able to present every piece of music deeply and softly without being distracted.

Moreover, it was probably the full house of the audience who breathed in our music most, so all of them remained still in the seat even after we left the stage. Thank you.

We are also very happy to unexpectedly, but successfully perform our second encore we just improvised without rehearsing. I thought we were going to offer some warmth, but it was the audience who made the show with their warm compliments.

No warmth of life, no music.



5、6曲演奏したあとでも、5分くらいしかたっていないと感じた不思議な感覚... なんだか会場の空気に音楽とともに時間も吸い込まれるような...。





A Happy New Year!