Monday, January 4, 2010

The Year Of The Tiger

A Happy New Year Of The Tiger!

Last year was my year (Ox) and I opened my door to my further voyage. Thanks to Archangel Gabriel, my future paths are getting clearer hopefully.
My new year's resolution: "Sail on." I wonder what the next water will be like.
(photo: ©2007 ken)

Our Best Concert 2009

23 December

I felt as if I had played for only 5 minutes even after having performed 5 or 6 songs... just like our music and time had been absorbed into the atmosphere in the venue.

Thanks to all the support of the event staff and the uncompromising conditioning by the sound crew and piano tuner, we were able to present every piece of music deeply and softly without being distracted.

Moreover, it was probably the full house of the audience who breathed in our music most, so all of them remained still in the seat even after we left the stage. Thank you.

We are also very happy to unexpectedly, but successfully perform our second encore we just improvised without rehearsing. I thought we were going to offer some warmth, but it was the audience who made the show with their warm compliments.

No warmth of life, no music.



5、6曲演奏したあとでも、5分くらいしかたっていないと感じた不思議な感覚... なんだか会場の空気に音楽とともに時間も吸い込まれるような...。





A Happy New Year!