Friday, November 27, 2009

The Circle's Christmas 2009

The Circle will come back to "Great Country Festival" again. Surrounded by those good ol' soft and smooth local country musicians, Broncos and Chuck Wagon, are we really going to rock again? Well, let's see how we groove with a special guest singer, Yuma, who was featured in my previous post.
This blurry photo is from this year's organic summer solstice festival, (from right to left) Choppa (bass), Dan (drums), Yohei (guitar), Claude (vocal, guitar) and me (key), on the truck bed stage built by Ben.
I do hope we will see you having fun at Rancho El Paso on Saturday, the 12th of December.
The Circleがまた「グレートカントリーフェスティバル」に帰ってくる。あの懐かしくて優しい音を奏でる地元カントリーミュージシャンのブロンコスとチャックワゴンに囲まれて、またロックしちゃうのだろうか?今年はゲストシンガーのYuma(前のブログ参照)も加わり、どうなるかお楽しみに。
今年の夏至まつりからのブレブレ写真は、Benの手によるトラックの荷台のステージで、右から Choppa (bass), Dan (drums), Yohei (guitar), Claude (vocal, guitar) そして私 (key)。

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Club Beaujolais Nouveau 2009

My next gig at Rancho El Paso is featuring an acoustic set with Yohei (guitar) and Yuma (vocal & flute) on Thursday, 19th November for the restaurant's dinner service to celebrate the release of Beaujolais Nouveau 2009. Yohei is a young but awesome guitarist who has been playing with me in many occasions and Yuma is a pretty soulful vocalist who made her debut on this unit in October at the same venue (photo).
We are covering some charming pop/rock classics with the combination of the piano and guitar as well as Yuma's flute for some songs.
No tickets or door charge necessary! Free! I hope you will enjoy our music along with their brand new selection of the French wines and special menu.
Besides, we are all Pisces coincidentally...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Greetings from the Sky

Daichi Yoshino could certainly change the entire atmosphere of a large concert hall, not with the volume of his voice, but probably with its unmistakably spiritual quality. That's why I sometimes feel honored to back him up. Right before this Christmas, on the 23rd of December (national holiday), I am sure you can relax and experience something you haven't at our gig. Please check this out!
吉野大地は、声量で圧倒するのではなく、魂からとしかたとえようがない声質で大きなコンサートホールの空気全体でさえも変えてしまう。そんな彼の伴奏役ができるのは、とてもありがたい。今年のクリスマスの直前(12/23 祝日)、ゆったりと今まで経験したことのないライブの過ごし方はいかが?詳しくはこちらのフライヤーをどうぞ。(吉野大地のブログもどうぞ。)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mother Forest Gallery

Deep in the forest located on the foothills of Tsurugi Mountain, Shimizu, Hokkaido was an experimental outdoor gallery which was opened by some young Ainu artists who usually live in Tokyo area.
The forest was named "Hapo Ne Tay" which means Mother Forest in Ainu language. The owner, Rumiko Ehara offers her property as a place and opportunity for the young artists who are trying to find their own ways of new artistic expressions based on the long-lasting tradition of the tribe.
Her daugher, Utae Ehara has been producing such events, exchanges, promotions and exhibitions in the metropolitan area as well as in Hokkaido.
Exhibited as Forest Gallery in September were the impressive pieces of work by Shogo Yoshino and Sayo Ogasawara. Shogo creates them with hand-drawn lines to symbolize celestial bodies (photo: "Sun") and animals while Sayo demonstrates unique and colorful illustrations of the gods = animals and traditional Ainu patterns.
In the quiet white birch and larch forest where you can hear the sound of streams and birds echoing, surrounded by their handmade works of art displayed here and there, the entire gallery itself was standing as if it were also a piece of art. I hope my gallery conveys such atmosphere too.
(Special thanks to Ms. Ehara, Utae, Shogo and Sayo)
For more information: