Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Bikers Paradise" Map #1 To Be Issued!

Ever since I came back to Tokachi, I have been hoping to see more people, locals and tourists, enjoy biking in this area. Although we have pretty long and severe winter here, Tokachi's modestly rolling hills and vast plains surrounded by the amazingly beautiful mountain ridges and horizons stretching in the distance could always be the good reason why I would call it "Bikers Paradise."
Recently I have produced a nice guide map for tourists and local cyclists for the first time on behalf of NPO Slow Wave Sunku Village, a local volunteer group acting for sustainable society and lifestyle.
This map contains quite a lot of items including 3 maps from the one covering downtown Obihiro to the entire Tokachi region, 10 model courses and safety information, etc. If you are interested, please download the high-res preview data (about 10MB) in A3 size (297 x 420 mm), which is separated into 4 pages. (password: bikers)
(Sorry, English-Japanese edition will be available from the next issue on hopefully.)
I hope you will find biking in Tokachi amusing!
最近、NPOスローウェーブすんく村(持続可能な社会とライフスタイルのために活動するグループ)を代表して、旅行者にも地元の人たちにも見ていただきたいガイドマップを作りました。帯広中心部から十勝全域の3つのマップと、10のモデルコース、安全情報などをてんこ盛り。ご興味の方は、実寸A3サイズのプレビューデータ(10MB・4ページに分割)を用意しましたので、こちらからダウンロード(パスワード: bikers)の上、ご覧くださいな。