This could be one of the most rich coffee I have ever experienced. I am not a coffee connoisseur or taster, nor do I drink it everyday either, but I could immediately feel that this presents very deep taste and lush and diverse aroma.
I brewed it at home one warm afternoon of October and it could be a perfect match with any relaxing music you name. I would choose this.
I had a kind of noteworthy chance to meet, Mrs. Unnamalai Thiagarajan, the owner of a fully-organic, Biodynamic coffee estate in India, at the local airport. She came to Tokyo to attend a specialty coffee convention and she took this opportunity to visit Biodynamic Farming practitioners and farms in Hokkaido, and we were going to guide her. But unfortunately, she had to turn back on the airplane she flew to here since she had to go back to India ASAP due to unexpected urgency. That was the coffee she left with us.
From her very, very concise presentation (in front of the departure gate!) of her farm in Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, we could see that it was carefully grown with no chemicals in the mountainous region blessed with abundant biodiversity, good water and soil. See more details of Balmaadi Estate.
If you are interested in trying the coffee from my brief impression by any chance, check out for further distributor information (in Japan)
Well, I hope to see her again wherever it may be.
地元の空港で、インドで有機農法(バイオダイナミック)の農園を経営するUnnamalai Thiagarajan女史にお会いする機会があった。実は東京でのスペシャルティコーヒーイベントに出席するために来日、ついでに北海道のバイオダイナミック農家を訪ねたいとこの地にいらっしゃったのでご案内する予定だった。しかしながら、急用でインドに帰ることになり、着いたその脚で同じ飛行機に乗って帰られる事に...。上記は彼女のおみやげのコーヒー。
(なんと出発ゲート前で!)タミールナドゥ州ニルギリにある農園についての超短いプレゼン。山中の現地の、とても豊かな生物多様性と、上質な水と土壌に支えられ、化学肥料や農薬を一切使っていない事をとりあえず了解。詳しくはこちら(Balmaadi Estate)。
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