on Sunday, 22nd February 2009 from 1:30 p.m.
Makubetsu Centennial Hall (Makubetsu 100-nen Kinen Hall)Yes, I know it's controversial in some ways. In this documentary, there might have been some information which was too dramatized, or probably exaggerated... I don't necessarily believe 100% of what's presented in this film, and I am not an enthusiastic supporter of Al Gore either, but I would say, "So what?" to those who comment nothing but skeptical about this film.
It's because, in comparison, such discrepancies may not matter at least as much as Al Gore's real message, especially if you have read this
warning which was issued by
the Union of Concerned Scientists in 1992.
I think the film deserves to be seen by many people... not only by those environmentally conscious or conscientious, but also by those who may have a lot of questions about the U.S. and global politics, those wondering why things have gone wrong this far, or those who are interested in how to present and disseminate their ideas effectively, etc.
However, what about our next-and-on generations?...that's what counts. Perhaps some arrogant people have been more powerful than people who really care. Will we change? Is this film the hope for those who would like to see such CHANGE in the near future?
If you haven't seen it, please come see it for only 500 yen (free for 18 years old and under), which however may turn out to be a precious 500 yen.
movie website「不都合な真実」(2006)特別上映
2/22(日)1:30 p.m.〜
幕別100年記念ホールこの映画、ある意味物議を醸しましたね。このドキュメンタリー中のいくつかの情報は、ちょっとドラマチックに演出され、少し大げさに見えることもあったかもしれない。私自身、この中で語られていることを100%信用しているわけでもないし、Al Goreの熱心な支持者でもない。でも、この映画に対して懐疑的な意見しか言わない人たちに対して、あえて「それがどうした?」と言いたい。
Special thanks to
The Sloth Club