"Long as I can see the light..." Suddenly Yohei weaves out his own funk with his Fender Stratocaster while Claude lets his soulful explosion fill the atmosphere and Dan cranks it up with his groovy drive on the drum set. We still rock and never stay still.
On the 6th of December, in the second occasion of the Christmas event called "Great Country Festival" at Obihiro's noted country-&-western-style restaurant, Rancho El Paso, we performed some classic rock pieces after two other long-established country & western bands, Chuckwagon from Shintoku and Broncos from Kitami. As "EL PASO BAND," I enjoyed those special moments we shook the ground there not only with our massive sound but also with our rockers' spirits.
I would also like to thank Katz and Tetsu for joining us on percussion and bass respectively.
And more than anything else, I would like to express my appreciation to the audience for their heartily donation to Save The Children, which has accounted as much as 15,000 yen in total in spite of such a short period for collection that evening.
Happy Christmas!!
(Sorry, I didn't get any picture taken.)
"Long as I can see the light..." 突如、Yoheiは愛機ストラトでファンキーに紡ぎだし、Claudeはソウルフルなシャウトで場を一変させ、Danがグルービーなドラミングでひた走る。ぼくたちも未だロックし続け、おとなしくしてはいられない。
そしてなによりも、ほんのちょっとの短い時間にもかかわらずなんと合計約15,000円もSave The Childrenに寄付してくださった客席のみなさん、感謝感謝です。
Happy Christmas!
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