1. Saturday, 12th February (corrected) at Laugh-la from 5:00 p.m.
(for more info, go to Otokachi)
2. Saturday, 19th February at Rancho El Paso (probably from 7:00 p.m.)
(more info. to be announced later in this blog)
The artists include (photo from left to right) : Chiba-Chiba (guitars, vo., perc.), Motti (vo.), ken (piano, vo.), Yohei (guitars, vo.).
Well, how come it's Sunny-Side Up?

一昔前のR & B、ロックやポップミュージックを愛する?地元ミュージシャンが集まった新ユニットでアコースティック・ライブをやりま〜す。
2) 2/19(土)開演たぶん19:00 ランチョ・エルパソ
1 comment:
Sorry, I have made corrections in the date for the first gig at Laugh-la: Fri., 11th Feb. ->Sat., 12th Feb.
1. (ラフラ)2/11(金・祝)-> 2/12(土)
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