Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks Again, Jackson!

It was a rainy holiday evening in Shinjuku when Jackson Browne, whom I have long admired as the greatest singer-songwriter and conscientious activist in America, proved he's still alive! on his first tour in Japan since he last performed solo here in April 2004.

The core of the band includes Mark Goldenberg on guitar, Kevin McCormick on bass and Jeff Young on keyboard, who have all been his musical compatriots quite long time by now, with the new addition of the young and soulful female background vocalists. I made sure that the combination of the piano, Hammond B-3 (organ) on the thick and solid bass lines is my ultimate chill factor.

I wasn't able to hold my tears when he sang the line "...and we remember why we came..." in "The Load-Out - Stay" from his album "Running On Empty (1977)" as encore. It was not just the nostalgia but simply because it reminded me that, had it not been for him singing this, I wouldn't have decided to be a musician.

I had to admit a majority of the audiences were more excited when he sang his classics, but even in his latest album "Time The Conqueror" he still drives on his lane to express what is wrong is wrong about his country along with other songs about love and faith.

As he has done so many times before, he closed the show with:
"And I ain't no democrat
And I ain't no republican
I only know one party
And it is freedom"
("I Am A Patriot" lyrics courtesy: Little Steven)

I do hope we will see a big "change" soon.

アンコールの"The Load-Out - Stay"(アルバム"Running On Empty (1978)"から)の"...and we remember why we came...(そしてなぜ私たちがここに来たかを思い出す)"という下りで思わず涙が出てくる。懐かしさだけではない。こう歌う彼の姿がなければ、私はミュージシャンになろうと決心しなかっただろうから。
ほとんどの観客たちは古い歌を歌う彼で盛り上がっていたが、ニューアルバムの"Time The Conqueror(時の征者)"でも彼は、愛や信念の歌に加えて自国の誤ったこともはっきりと描くことを相変わらず貫いている。
以前のライブでもよくあったように、「おれは民主党支持者でも、共和党支持者でもない。1党だけしか知らない。それは「自由」だけ(アイ・アム・ア・パトリオット by Little Steven)」を歌って終了した。

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