The most fabulous "Funk Masters" from New Orleans still funk powerfully in their blues-soaked deep pocket grooves in spite of their ages (The oldest Art is 70 years old!). It has been 12 years since they last had a gig in Tokyo. They were just passionate, soulful and groovy like no other bands anywhere in the world just as I saw them then. I was really carried away by the encore, Aaron's solo "Amazing Grace" - it's just more than you can imagine, which was followed by "One Love/People Get Ready" joined by all the other members. (29 October at JCB Hall near Tokyo Dome)
秋風も涼しい東京JCBホール、ご高齢(最年長のArtは70才!)にもかかわらず、ディープなノリで圧倒するニューオリンズ産、史上最高の「ファンク・マスター」が12年ぶりに再来日ライブ。熱くソウルフルでグルービーなところは誰にもまねできないのはその頃と変わらず。アンコールはAaronのソロでAmazing Grace(想像以上)、そして全員でB. Marleyの"One Love"とC. Mayfieldの"People Get Ready"でぶっ飛びました。
The Neville Brothers official website
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