Great! Finally I have got Jimmy Webb's latest CD "JUST ACROSS THE RIVER," which was produced by Fred Mollin, the same producer as "Ten Easy Pieces (96)," and recorded in Nashville (!) with his live band and whole bunch of prominent artists featured in its tracks.
For example, Billy Joel sings "Wichita Lineman" just as if it had been written by him, while Jackson Browne covers "P. F. Sloan" perfectly with the composer. Needless to say Linda Ronstadt and Glen Campbell prove that they are really meant to sing his songs. And more...Out of quite a few great American songwriters, "Tunesmith" Jimmy Webb has always been very special for me.
How could I forget the great low-keyed light in his eyes when he really grabbed my hand when I met him in Tokyo after his solo gig? (photo: JUST ACROSS THE RIVER and "Suspending Disblief (93)" CD sleeve autographed by Mr. Webb)
最高! Jimmy Webbの新譜"JUST ACROSS THE RIVER"(セルフカバーアルバム)をやっと入手。プロデューサーは96年の"Ten Easy Pieces"のFred Mollin、そして自分の生バンドを従えて、超豪華なゲストアーチストたちを迎えてナッシュビル録音!
例えば、Billy Joelが"Wichita Lineman"をまるで自分の曲のように歌い、Jackson Browneが"P. F. Sloan"を作曲者と一緒に完璧なカバー。もちろん、Linda RonstadtやGlen Campbellも彼の曲を歌うためにいるようなもの。そのほかたくさん。
並みいるアメリカの偉大なソングライターたちの中でも、私にとって"Tunesmith"のJimmy Webbは特別だ。
以前彼のライブのあとに東京で会った時、がっちり私の手を握ってくれた彼の目の中のしぶーい光を未だに忘れない。(写真:"JUST ACROSS THE RIVER"とスリーブにサインしてもらった"Suspending Disbelief (93)")